SRF / «Beware of avalanches!»

Off the slopes, the danger of avalanches is a constant companion. How do you best prepare for a ski tour and how do you assess the danger on site? In cooperation with the Swiss Avalanche Research, we produced a 360° prevention film for SRF.

Avalanches are literally a complex subject. SRF commissioned us to produce a 360° documentation.

In cooperation with the professionals of the Swiss Avalanche Research (SLF), an informative 360° film was produced: The viewers learn what has to be considered when planning a tour, but also directly in the field. Animated visualizations were used to better identify the danger areas on the snow-covered slopes.

As production managers, we were once again able to prove our many years of experience in the field of outdoor shootings.

Already during the ascent to the key spot, but also afterwards during the virtual descent, the spectators can enjoy the spectacular panoramic view in the alpine area.

Due to its high information content, the 360° report has a preventive character and offers SRF viewers a unique insight into the untouched, snow-covered slopes.




Swiss Radio and Television, Zurich

Editorial office

Michael Brönnimann
Stephan Harvey