AXA / «One second away»

AXA has broken new ground in prevention work: thanks to our 360° film, the viewer feels put into the situation: he experiences a rear-end collision at close range.

AXA, Switzerland’s largest motor insurer, was commissioned to experience a collision and its effects from the driver’s perspective without sitting in the car.

The spectators experience immediately how a crash attempt of the accident research takes place – and how devastating the effects of a rear-end collision can be. The latter is a central factor in prevention work. For “One second away”, we have therefore included various perspectives to show the impact of a collision in an impressive way.

AXA presented its premiere at the crash tests in Dübendorf and reached a broad audience at least 40 other prevention events. The 360° film was also published on AXA’s social media channels.

The highly emotional appeal of the viewers made the video an effective instrument of the prevention campaign, which was also awarded the Ottocar Award at the IAA in Frankfurt.




AXA, Winterthur


Florian Lotter (AeroPicture)


Bernhard Michel (klang&bild)